Our bundle of joy is here...
Alexandra Noel

She enters the world...

Alexandra Noel was born December 15, 2004 at 4:02 pm. She was 7 pounds 12 ounces and 21 inches long! After such a long wait, she is finally here!


Taking a snooze...


Sleeping Beauty


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Fun Facts
I am 76 days old!
My Birthstone is Turquoise (Prosperity)
My Flower is Narcissus or Holly (Indigo, Green, Greenish-Blue)
My Astrological Sign is Sagittarius
I was born in the Chinese Year of The Monkey
I will start kindergarten in 2010,
be old enough to drive a car in 2020,
and will graduate High School with the Class of 2023
The meaning of the name Alexandra
See what else happened on my birthday!

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Last updated Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Viewed 112 times.

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