Downloads and Free Goodies


Microsoft AntiSpyware - A Free test version of very good Anti-Spyware

Ad-Aware - A very popular program for finding and eliminating Spyware

Spybot - Another great program for finding and eliminating Spyware

Ewido - A great Antispyware program. Now Free!

Spy Sweeper - Not free, but a trial of a great Anti-Spyware program

Pest Patrol - Not free, but another trial of a great Anti-Spyware program

SpywareBlaster - Keeps Spyware from installing. Free

SpywareGuard - Works with SpywareBlaster. Real-Time protection

AVG - Version 7.5 - A great, FREE Antivirus program.

Winzip - A Great utility for unzipping and creating ZIP Files.

Winamp - One of the best players for playing audio and video files, including MP3

Kerio - A really good firewall program. A MUST for DSL/Cable Modem users!

ZoneAlarm - Another good Firewall program. Good for beginners

Shareaza - A Popular 'peer to peer' program. Lets you share and download files. A much safer choice than Kazaa or Bearshare

Windows XP Upgrade Advisor - See if you're ready for Windows XP

Google Toolbar - A great tool for searching the web. Stops Popups too!

AbiWord - A very good FREE replacement for Microsoft Word

OpenOffice - A great FREE replacement for Microsoft Office

EICAR - A test file to verify your virus scanner. NOT a real virus!

*NOTE* Online Virus Scanning is now in the Check-Up section

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